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Things I find embarrassing for no reason

I think the title says it all LOL. But here's a list of things I find embarrassing for no reason whatsoever other than I'm just a bit awks. Anyone else?

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Let me know in the comments below if you relate to any of these!

  • Buying toilet paper (I know, everyone sh*ts and pees but idk why it's so embarrassing and it's got nothing to do with my IBS).

  • Getting my period and buying period products like pads and tampons - like why am I worried about people looking at me?

  • Picking up after your dog (and then having to carry it when there's no bin).

  • Buying a coffee - don't ask me why, it just feels weird so thankfully Luke orders most days. I think I've only ordered a coffee once since we've lived in this new suburb.

  • When everyone is singing Happy Birthday to you OR when you have to sing Happy Birthday to someone else, ugh.

  • The whole process of getting an Uber.

  • When you try and move out of the way of someone and they go the way you went and it's just terrible.

  • Pulling a door that says push and vice versa.

  • Forgetting someone's name and waiting too long to tell them you forgot. Or, if you're me and in high school, calling my neighbour the wrong name for like a week until they tell you it's not their name.

  • Saying goodbye to someone but you end up walking in the same direction.

  • When my stomach grumbles that it's hungry.

  • Blowing my nose.

  • Returning something.

  • Going to the post office.

  • Buying only one thing at a store.

  • Getting a call in public (I barely ever answer my phone in general). Don't call me, text me lol.

  • Vlogging (even though I only really do it at home).

  • Going into somewhere alone e.g., a club, the movies, a restaurant, a bar, etc.

  • Waving down a bus.

  • Browsing items in a store when the cashier follows you around to check on you (I know it's their job and I've been that person but ugh I just wanna look and be lonely).

  • Putting a hood on a hoodie up when it's raining.

  • Having to send back a meal at a restaurant if it isn't quite right.

  • Carrying groceries on the street lol.

  • Phonecalls in general. UGH shudder.

  • Eating in front of someone for the first time (like on a first date, thank f*ck I won't be doing that).

  • When someone is in the kitchen with you.

  • When someone is watching you do something and you forget how to do said thing.

  • Walking out of a store (especially a supermarket) without buying anything.

  • Walking back from the alley after bowling (and bowling shoes, ugh).

  • When someone holds the door open for you but you're not super close so you have to do a little run.

  • When a car lets you cross the street as a pedestrian when there's no crossing or lights.

  • Parallel parking. Why is everyone watching?

  • Walking past kids.

  • When you smile at someone and they don't smile back.

  • Buying alcohol (+ getting ID'd when you haven't been for a long long time).

  • When you think someone is waving at you, but they're actually waving at the person behind you.

  • Packing your own bags at the grocery store (usually if you're too slow).

  • Working out in front of someone.

  • When waiters come at the most awkward time to check everything is okay (and you gotta speak with your mouth full).

  • When there are no seats on public transport and you have to stand.

  • Having to go outside in my pyjamas for whatever reason.

Let me know in the comments below if you can relate to any of these! Much love,

Ash xx

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May 27, 2024



Ronald Coates
Ronald Coates
May 22, 2024

Lol this was a great read. Very enjoyable

Read it twice lol

May 23, 2024
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May 22, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Yes all of the above

May 23, 2024
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