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Random Thoughts I've had lately - Part Eleven


Hi friends! How are ya'll going? I hope you're having a wonderful day wherever you are in the world right now! I can't believe these "Random Thoughts I've had lately" seem to still be doing well, so we'll see how far we get! Please enjoy Part Eleven!

If you don't know the gist by now, where have you been? Haha jk! Basically, I take the notes app on my phone and write down any random thoughts I have and then I turn them into a blog post for you to enjoy.

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Previous Posts if you need to catch up:

Random Thoughts I've had lately - Part Eleven

  • Why do people think they can ask me how much money I make from my blog but when I had my corporate job, they never asked my salary? Like, I find it so uncomfortable.

  • I miss hot coffee.

  • I don't know what's going to be worse, my temporary crown or my permanent crown. And I feel like this has been going on for ages.

  • It feels so quiet without Benji (he's currently at a sleepover at Luke's parents' house).

  • I'm always sleepy sleepy.

  • Why does matcha taste so weird in a takeaway cup?

  • We don't deserve dogs.

  • I feel like my content isn't good enough but at the same time, I'm proud of it.

  • This year has gone way too fast.

  • Feels weird for our gardeners to be here on a Saturday, really ruined my filming day haha.

  • Misogyny is rife right now.

  • I need to go hang the washing.

  • Whenever people are outside my house, I always feel like they're judging me for whatever I'm doing.

  • I need to catch my breath.

  • I need to put more work into my content.

  • Am I a bad person?

  • Why does my hair never do what I want it to?

  • I don't feel creative enough.

  • It's hot.

  • Is it weird that I kinda miss lockdown?

  • Why did I buy this light?

  • Am I just wasting my time?

  • I miss NZ's dairy range.

  • The machinery noises are really frustrating.

  • I know it's out of my control, but it still makes me sad when someone dislikes a video of mine, like are you doing it out of spite, or do you dislike the content and don't want to see it? I feel like a better way is just to click off and not interact with the content. I don't feel right disliking people's YouTube videos.

  • Writer's Block is strong today. I don't even know if I'm gonna get out many posts this week. So much for batching content.

  • I feel mad at myself.

  • Let's fight the patriarchy.

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  • Why does it get so hot in here, ugh?

  • Can't believe I got the number of books wrong in my newsletter, I'd read 5, not 4 grr! And now I'm onto my 7th woo!

  • I think I'm being too critical of myself.

  • I haven't had much social interaction lately and I think it might become a problem. I get so tired easily and if I have to see a certain set of people, then I just get so drained and don't get any time for myself.

  • Why am I like this?

  • It's really sad what happened to Liam Payne and I hope he didn't unalive himself but I think he probably did considering he was in the midst of getting cancelled. However, my heart definitely goes out to his family and loved ones.

  • Why do I keep waking up at 2 am?

  • I wonder if they figured out what those black ball things were on the beach. Ah, apparently they have. They were "tar" balls. Idk what that means but "here's" the article about it.

  • Should I find something for Freaky Friday Files tomorrow or should I skip it this week? I might need to skip it because it's getting late.

  • I don't drink enough water.

  • Why does my weight keep fluctuating? Is it my medication? Is it my lifestyle?

  • Do fingernails and hair make noise when they grow?

  • I'm worried about my last year in my 20s.

  • I wish there was more sunshine for spring, grey skies make me feel glum.

  • I wish fast food looked as good as the artwork they show in ads.

  • Question Everything is a good show, so is Fisk.

  • Why are mini wine and bottles more exciting than regular-sized wine bottles?

  • Benji's new crate is huge.

  • I hate jump scares but I love horror.

  • Why do people judge people who enjoy horror movies?

  • Why is ASMR nice to listen to but I can't stand hearing it when people close to me whisper?

  • Do all emotions have a colour associated with them? I feel like there's more emotions than colours though right?

  • I still don't get why there are so many trucks that come down our street.

  • What's with all the extra bizarre stuff going on this week? Like the tar balls, celebs passing away, that criminal who lived with her deceased parents for 4 years! I heard about something else too but I can't remember what it was. Oh, that's right, it was the QLD school school uniform issue, ugh.

  • Why does dairy hurt my tummy sometimes but not always? Why is there such little research on IBS?

  • Not being able to wear my glasses is annoying.

  • I think I need to go lie down.

  • What is Benji looking for?

  • How can a car be parked like that?

  • Which letter is silent in the word "scent", is it the c or the s?

  • How do they make it so glue doesn't stick to the inside of the bottle or stick? What trickery are they pulling there? And why have I never thought of this before?

  • Don’t spam people with your words of wisdom — unsolicited advice doesn’t work.

  • I want a fruit salad.

  • Do people still use Tumblr?

  • I love Jess Waterhouse, their videos are so wholesome.

  • My TikTok fyp seems to be very confused right now.

  • I love reading and getting so caught up in the book you feel like you're in another world (temporarily).

  • Rain Rain go away.

  • One more appointment and then it's all over. And if I'm wrong again, I'ma flip my sh*t. But I definitely can't be wrong because I already paid for it LOL.

  • I really want some olives.

  • Let's get olives.

Okie, I think that's where I'm gonna end the blog here! I hope you enjoyed reading it and I'll see you all very soon!

Don't forget to pin this blog too!

Much love,

Ash xoxo

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Charli Dee
Charli Dee
Oct 21, 2024

Hey Ash! This was fun to read! It’s funny you like olives. I love olives in my my sandwiches! It’s interesting that you get exhausted when you are around people for too long. That sounds a lot like me. Seems like we are both introverts. I need time to myself to recharge. I definitely do think you are to hard on yourself! I am too! That’s another thing we have in common! i also wonder sometimes if I’m creative enough and if my blog is interesting enough. I see people who update often and I wonder how they do it and keep it going! Your question about scent is so funny! I never thought about that, but now I’m wondering!…

Oct 21, 2024
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Thank you so much, Charli! Olives are delish for sure. I definitely more of an introvert but I think ambivert suits me quite well - but then I can spend a lot of time on my own and have no issue with it. I try not to drink a lot of sugary drinks because of issues with my teeth but I do love a cranberry juice! Thank you for reading and commenting :)


Oct 20, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

😁 Goodness, your mind never stops!! Take it a bit easier on yourself :)

Oct 20, 2024
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Hahah I know, thank you!

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