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I've been on the internet for WAY too long (TW: Jump Scares)

Updated: Sep 23, 2024

Kia Ora friends! I'm starting this blog post at 5:25pm on Thursday evening. It's super gloomy outside and I'm running myself a bath - a luxury that we won't have for much longer. Luke's at cricket training and dinner tonight, although I don't think they'll be doing much training tonight with this random rain. For the life of me, I don't actually know why I started this post as I was running a bath, but we'll come back once I'm out of the bath of course - and nek minnit I post this at like 11:57pm tonight LOL. That wouldn't surprise me one bit. But you know! Also random side note real quick, I only know two people who still say nek minnit and that's my dad and Luke so take that as you will lol. The beauty of writing blogs and writing in general is that I could completely delete this whole paragraph and you'd never know what I was doing, but then again, that doesn't feel authentic and I think I'm all about being authentic and vulnerable. Btw, I'm out of the bath and let's get writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pinterest Pin with title and a llama wearing a pink hat and heart sunglasses

Anyway, the other night Luke and I were watching Instagram reels (as ya do because we want a good laugh) and we came across this lovely content creator who knew the whole of "Llamas with Hats" episode 1 off by heart. Luke was laughing and I asked, "have you seen that video?" To which he replied, "Nah I haven't" or something only a man would say (sorry Luke, it's a joke, you get the drift). And for me, it's been a while since I've delved that deep into *that* side of YouTube. Of course, we went straight to the channel and it got me thinking I've been on the internet for WAY too long and it's inspired me to take a little trip down memory lane. And don't you worry, I'm not getting off the internet any time soon, I actually feel like this is one space where I can write about anything, things I love, my passions, and people somewhat care. I think? Yeah, sorry if you've forgotten that often my blog posts are in the stream-of-consciousness style. I also wrote a blog post about the weird side of YouTube when I was doing daily blogs and I think we talked about people covering themselves in Nutella, the car jumpscare that omg, and a few other weird things. I went back and tried to find it so either I am totally imagining this or I am just terrible with technology (or maybe both, who knows).

So when did I get on the internet? Well, we've always had the internet, mum didn't get wifi until I started high school because it started being a requirement and I did get myself in trouble with social media at first. I'd use MSN and Bebo on my mum's laptop (when I definitely wasn't allowed it - what a time LOL). And I'd use all my data on my phone when I went to my dad's house because I was bored AF. Then, Facebook started to become popular, and thank f*ck I was allowed that - although I did get my phone taken away from me when I was grounded once so that wasn't fun. Anyway, I've been on social media since I was 13 and then I started my Tumblr when I was 14 and oh man, I was pretty good at Tumblr - I could have done coding or something. I had a few followers too - maybe above 3000? The site is STILL active - and I haven't logged in since I was 21 apparently. I also managed to make a few friends on there - people I still talk to on a regular basis (Tayler will forever be my pen pal and one day we will be in the same country). I'm so glad I made all those friends online - even if it meant staying up past midnight on mum's laptop just reblogging pictures - life was so simple. And YES, we've come full circle I've got my own blog now. I do wonder if I stuck at those things back then, would I have been successful? I don't know, but we're here now!

Let's take a look at some of the weirdest things I remember from the internet.

Llamas with Hats (I mean come on, OBVIOUSLY we have to start here). I'm also so glad that FilmCow still exists!

Charlie the Unicorn (by the same people as above)

Salad Fingers - by David Girth - I think they have since remastered them and re-uploaded the episodes but I loved this for some reason.

The Scary Car Commercial - TW JUMP SCARE - one of my primary school friends showed me this when I was 11 or 12 and it literally still haunts me to this day.

"Charlie bit my finger" - Now, that's a classic!

Know Your Meme - The Rise of The Meme (Not a video but like the 2010s were an interesting time and I can't believe how many memes we have now. I think it was all thanks to "Dancing Baby" hehe. I also have to give a quick shoutout to Grumpy Cat here because RIP.

Overly Attached Girlfriend - dude I always thought this was REAL and not a character. Safe to say I was shook (but not really, just probably a naive little teenager). I'm also sad she's not making this kind of content anymore but happy for her living here life.

Scene Kids - once I aspired to be like this?? What the he*k was wrong with me? I had so many bracelets on one arm once people would accuse me of s*** h*** which just wasn't me I was literally trying to be a scene kid? Also, why? This stuff is cringe, but I had yellow skinny jeans (I still wear chucks), both purple hair, black hair, and red hair ALL at different times which I would straighten out, and TEASE (safe to say my curls are still damaged from this). Once, I was getting a milkshake at a mall with my friend and looked like a scene kid and some other kid yelled at me for it (somehow I thought that that was an accomplishment). This phase for me didn't last very long though (thankfully) and I embraced my inner nerd a lot more from 15 onwards (good for you Ashy).

Nyan Cat - cannot believe this is an NFT now. NFTs are a scam, you won't change my mind. Anyway, I hope the creator/s are doing well and still making capital from this cute lil guy.

Stumble Upon - this was on of the coolest websites for me as a teenager. It doesn't exist in the same way as it used to though, which is sad. But basically, it was like a plugin software for your browser and every time you hit the orange button, you'd be taken to a random page that you could either give a thumbs up or a thumbs down and it would generate more content based on what you like. A high school friend of mine showed me this - I don't know if she's doing well, we lost touch, but I hope she is. I think it's called "Mix" now. I really wasted a lot of time on here but I don't think they made money from this - although probably an early sign for what was to come with Facebook and Cambridge-Analytica (IYKYK).

Also, I've got to mention Reddit because I spent A LOT of time on there as a teenager and I kinda wish I didn't - mainly because I posted cringeworthy stuff and ended up getting hacked anyway - so I had to delete all my amazing karma I got. I had some cool stories and recipes on there that I never kept anywhere else. But like how does Reddit survive man? I'm pretty sure they're making negative revenue. Also, I still want their merch. Maybe I'll find some one day.

Double Rainbow Guy (dude, people still QUOTE you). Also, RIP dude, your legacy will live on (but pls get vaccinated).

9GAG was popular in the 2010s (idk what happened man but now it just looks like a discount TikTok).

I literally remember when Rebecca Black's "Friday" song came out and honestly, great marketing technique - this song is forever STUCK in my head. And when she isn't doing this, she can ACTUALLY sing. The world is bloody crazy.

And, the final one to end this post on "What did the fox say?" - HEHE

What did ya'll think of these? Please, let me know in the comments below. I think that kinda proves I've been on the internet for WAY too long. But I'm here to stay. I think my content is pretty valuable and I love making stuff.

Big thanks to Luke for inspiring me to write today's blog about really random stuff. I hope you enjoyed!

Much love,

Ash xx

P.S: see you tomorrow for Freaky Friday Files!

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