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Freaky Friday Files: Mysteries In My Life I Can't Seem To Solve

Hi friends! Happy Friday!! I hope you've all had a wonderful week. I thought we could do something a bit different for this week's Freaky Friday Files and that is discuss some of the mysteries in my own personal life that I can't seem to solve. You'll get what I mean when I start reading, I hope.

All names have been taken out for privacy reasons and replaced with either X or Y. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this post.


Skeleton illustration on black background. Text reads "Freaky Friday Files: Mysteries in my life I can't seem to solve." URL:

Mysteries In My Life I Can't Seem To Solve

  • What actually happened to my guitar? Did someone break it or did it fall and break in the earthquake? If it was the quake, why was it still standing up in its case? Like how is that physically possible? Also, why would someone break it?

  • Was that man really carrying a knife that morning?

  • Why would X's mates not tell me he was hacking my social media accounts, my emails etc.? I miss that damn reddit account that had so much karma LOL.

  • Was that guy that drowned in the river really an accident?

  • Who stole my ipod? I can't have dropped it anywhere and I left it in my bag during PE and only one other person knew about it but I never had any proof.

  • Which person do I trust, X or Y in regards to that alleged a$$ault on X? Y is not the perpetrator.

  • What did I do to upset X?

  • If I was in serious trouble, like feeling mentally unstable, who could I go to?

  • Where did Bella (mum's cat) go to that week of the quake?

  • Why do SOOO many people in Australia just assume I didn't go through the CHCH earthquakes? Is it so they don't have to talk to me about it? What happens when you learn that sh*t was horrible?

  • Does X hate me?

  • Why do so many people delete me off Facebook? Am I the problem?

  • Why did one of my friends who was going through a rough patch and was going to do something stupid, say to me when I helped them "Oh, you're not like what they said" and then they say "I can't tell you" - like this still haunts me? Who is making stuff up about me?

  • Did X really see one of my exes kissing Y that time? Was it made up? Why would it be made up? Wouldn't you take a photo if you thought that's what it was? Also, how would you go so long denying it, especially with the sh*t we did end up going through?

  • Why do so many people think they can manipulate and gaslight me? It's not like I can't recognise it.

  • Do people really think I have ASD? Or was it because I was hiding my emotions at the time as a defense mechanism because of who I was seeing at the time? I think I show emotion.

  • Was someone really following me that time? Was I right to be paranoid?

  • Why did one of my mum's "friends" think he had the right to come and scare me? Why doesn't he know she had an adult child there? Is she hiding me or protecting me?

  • Will my friend's partner ever accept me as a friend? I literally wouldn't do anything, I just want them to be happy.

  • Why would someone who is vegetarian be okay with eating turkey on certain days of the year BUT not have something that has gelatin in it once? I would never force it or ask them to eat it, but like wut?

  • Why did I think having 2 phones as a teenager was a good idea? I dropped 1 and ruined it LOL.

  • Why did the creepy neighbour thing happen? Why did my mum do nothing about it? Why do people think he's harmless? He was literally in my backyard.

  • Do people actually think having SO many cameras in their house is a deterrent? Like I get having 1 or 2 but maybe think about whether someone consents to being filmed or not before they come to your house.

  • Why were were told not to bring gingerbread to Christmas lunch? There wasn't any there. I get it was at the other event, but saying don't bring it just seems like you're going to bring it LOL.

  • Who do I trust in a certain situation? Was X saying to Y that I was b*tching about them or was it all made up?

  • Did they ever catch that pr*dator in the suburb we live in?

  • Why did the owners of our old rental book gardeners without telling us? We were still on the lease so legally they had to. Were they plotting with the other neighbour? Even the PM thought it was f*cked.

  • Why am I never listened to? Seriously, am I that much of a problem that no one gives a sh*t?

  • Would police believe me if I ever told them what X did to me that night?

  • Who was the friend that my mum was telling me about who's beliefs I struggled with?

  • Did X purposefully give me food poisoning that time by leaving rice out on the counter then giving it to me to take home OR was it an accident?

  • Why was it such a big deal when I couldn't afford to bring drinks for their family at Christmas. I know it's polite to bring something but I was in the middle of moving countries. And, then why, when we brought something the last time, it was weird.

  • What really happened to Flopsy the bunny? Did she really run away or did she get run over?

  • Why have so many medical professionals told me they would never be able to help me?

  • Why did that guy have an argument with me about capitalism and then make it out like he was the good guy? Gross.

  • Why don't those 2 cousins talk to us? I don't think it was our whole family's fault - I mean I don't think a 4 year old can cause that to happen.

  • Why does he punish people who haven't done anything wrong? Like I get X has done a few things but I don't know why his brother gets punished for it.

  • Why wasn't I allowed to grieve for certain people? Like why wasn't I able to go to X's funeral? And why did XYZ think they could go to my Grandma's funeral? It wasn't their place.

  • Why didn't X just come out? How did I refuse to see all the signs?

  • What happened to bus no. 24?

  • Why did I feel so weird at that cemetery in Tanunda? Was I not welcome there?

  • Did I see a ghost that time?

I hope that was an interesting read and yes I know for some of these, there's a lot of context missing but I don't want to share everything. Some people might read this and think it's about them, but I think if you are unsure, then ask.

Anyway, have a lovely weekend!

Much love,

Ash xoxo


Illustration of a surprised cat with a magnifying glass. Text reads: "Freaky Friday Files: Mysteries in My Life I Can't Seem to Solve."

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