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Freaky Friday Files: Let's check out some SCARY videos on the internet!


Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you've been having a good week thus far. If you haven't noticed, I've been a bit more on the quiet side this week and that's mainly because I've just been feeling a bit down in regards to Grandma passing away and wanted to take some chill time for me. But with that being said, I still wanted to make sure I got this week's Freaky Friday Files out. It's going to be a bit more on the lighter side this week though! And by lighter, I mean video research rather than writing research.

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Today, we're going to be taking a look at some SCARY (and/or creepy) videos I found online. Some of these I watched for the first time this week and others I've watched before.

Please enjoy and watch at your own discretion. I will warn you if any of the videos have any jumpscares because they also get me! Some will be from Youtube which I'll be able to embed in this blog post and others will be from TikTok which I don't think I can embed on here yet but I will try (if it doesn't work, I'll just post the link).

Number 1: Scary Videos That Will Make You Feel Weird - Slapped Ham

I would say A LOT of those videos are fake LOL, everyone seems to be doing anything for the views lately. But I also really enjoy the guy's commentary.

Number 2: Uncovering Isaiah Bass: TikTok's Biggest Mystery Unsolved - HannahTheHorrible

Ahh this has been ONE of my favourite YouTube channels to watch recently. I dunno why, but I really enjoy watching scary content get debunked. It makes it still entertaining to watch BUT you're not left with heaps of anxiety after. Check out HannahTheHorrible for more cool vides like this one above!

Number 3: 13 Glitch in the Matrix Tik Toks (DON'T WATCH ALONE) / Scary Side of Tik Tok (May 2024) - Loey Lane

Okay, admittingly, I watched this one a while ago as it came out in May 2024 so I don't quite remember if it has any jumpscares. Loey Lane is pretty good at warning you if there are though so I wouldn't be too worried. But I'm still not over the time traveller one (like it's not real but I think the owner of the Air BNB legit thinks it was real). Correlation does not equal causation, just saying.

Number 4: McKamey Manor: Inside America's most extreme haunted house experience - The Guardian

TW: Graphic Content

Yep, it's VERY graphic. I remember watching Dark Tourist and David Farrier went here and UGH he didn't get very far. I honestly don't know how this guy gets away with his basically torture p*rn horror house. I'm pretty sure there's a few people who have actually completed it but never received their money so idk. But from a sociological perspective, it's quite interesting.

Number 5: The Creepiest Town in America - Papa Meat

I just love learning about how many places Scientology has infiltrated. Enough said. Check out this video.

Number 6: The CRAZIEST TikTok Conspiracies - Film Cooper

This one is just more for the LOLS (it's more funny than scary).

Number 7: 5 Disturbing Mysteries that Remain UNSOLVED - Lazy Masquerade

I always find this guy's videos interesting, but they are on the more disturbing side so if you are squeamish, don't watch this one (TIL how to spell squeamish). But the good thing about this is you can listen to the videos without actually watching (like you were listening to a podcast). The most interesting case in this one for me is the livestreamer one.

Number 8: The Worst Moments in Australian History - Yorak Hunt


Number 9: Disturbing Internet Anomalities - Chilling Scares

I found this particular video fascinating but I find internet mysteries very interesting in general. Let me know what you thought of this one in the comments below!

Number 10: The Uncanny Valley Is Still Terrifying - GregBroDudeMan

The uncanny valley trend is so weird. The AI sports one is so eerie, I can't even.

Thanks for reading/watching/understanding! And yes, this week's Freaky Friday Files was mainly designed so I could watch some videos. I wasn't able to link any Tik Toks so I've mainly done YT videos but here's a few TikToks you might wanna check out too:

You may also want to check out some previous Freaky Friday Files below:

Okay, we definitely GOTTA have some Benji tax today after that xx

Hope you enjoyed this post! Much love,

Ash xoxo

PS - this took me WAY longer to write than I expected so I appreciate you engaging with my content and checking out what things are on the blog. See you next time!

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