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Freaky Friday Files: A list of things that SCARE me!


Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you've been having a wonderful week so far! The weather in Melbourne has been so lame this week, lots of grey skies and lots of rain and I've been stuck at home with either the flu or a really bad cold (and it sucks as I miss out on a friend's birthday drinks tonight that I was really looking forward to). Anyway, for this week's Freaky Friday Files, I thought I'd do something a bit different and tell you everything that I'm scared of (I think some of these are legitimate) and others are just kinda funny. So please enjoy this more light-hearted Freaky Friday Files. Hopefully, I am feeling much better next week and we can get back into more spooky AF topics.

I'd also love it if you checked out yesterday's post that I worked really hard on - "The Consequences of AI in Everyday Life (from a sociological lens)".

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Let's get to the list! Some of these may also overlap with "Things that make me anxious (as someone with high-functioning anxiety)".

  • Lately, it's when Benji (our dog) barks at nothing, especially at night - like sometimes he stares into the kitchen and barks like a person is there but there's just nothing. Also, when he wakes up in the middle of the night and barks (like wtf is outside for you to be barking at).

  • Ants - once, when I was living at my mum's house back in NZ, I woke up to ants in my bed and I have always hated them since. I don't know why they scare me so much, I can literally just squash them.

  • Being home alone (but I would say this one is more anxiety-inducing).

  • Horror movies but I'll still watch some. I like being scared but I think it's jump scares that really get me. Surprisingly, if someone (like Luke) or another person I know tries to scare me, it doesn't get to me. I think this is because one of mum's exes used to try and scare me so much to get a reaction out of me, I just got so desensitised to it. I also get really scared of The Conjuring series and also the girl from The Ring. Ugh.

  • The creepy neighbour who lives/lived (I'm not sure if he's still alive) in my mum's block of houses. If you want the full storytime, feel free to check out "this YouTube video" I made about it.

  • Crabs. I hate the way they walk - it's awful (like how do you walk side to side like that?)

  • Public bathrooms - this was even way before I was diagnosed with IBS, I don't know why but they always give me the creeps.

  • Not being prepared for an IBS attack in an unknown location.

  • The game "Randonautica" but I'm still curious and want to play it.

  • Porcelain dolls - idk if I've talked about this on the blog before, but when I was in primary school, a friend of mine told me this scary story about porcelain dolls coming alive and I made mum take all my porcelain dolls away because I was so scared of it happening to me. Yet, I really wanted a real-life Toy Story to happen, make it make sense brain.

  • Answering the door and answering the phone to unknown numbers. If you know me, text me, or if it's important leave a message. The amount of spam calls I get in Australia is insane.

  • Bat noises at night.

  • When I first moved to Australia, I was scared of every single creepy crawly but eventually I got used to them. Like I don't really mind spiders or snakes as long as they stay away from me and I stay away from them.

  • Any sort of story or video that comes from someone living in the Appalachian Mountains.

  • Scary TikToks but that doesn't stop me from watching them.

  • Walking anywhere in the dark.

  • I just watched a YouTube video that unlocked a new fear because it was people hacking into people's cameras inside their house and scaring them, so that. Like what's safer? Having cameras and people being able to hack them? Or not having cameras? I'm not sure.

  • Seeing a missing person's poster in public. Once, Luke and I saw a weird one on the train and it made us feel really uneasy.

  • Leaving the house without my phone/my phone battery running out while in public.

  • The Myki officers - they just seem so scary - and scarier than police officers.

  • Also, police that carry guns in their pockets - it's not common in NZ to see police with guns (it does happen but not very often), but we met a really lovely police officer last weekend who wanted to pat Benji and just seeing her gun in her holster scared me so much (like she was so nice and just wanted to talk about corgis).

  • MRAs. Enough said. Men's Rights Activitis are so weird.

  • Doomsday Preppers - I kinda feel like if the world is gonna end, wouldn't it be better to go with everyone else rather than be the last one standing? Idk, that's just my opinion. Although one of my favourite books, "Future Eden" is about the end of the world and it's not scary, it's just really good. Quick Disclaimer - This is an affiliate link so if you purchase through the link, I may earn a commission.

  • Abandoned buildings.

  • When technology does anything weird and it always seems to happen to me when I'm home alone (like the TV going to static or turning on/off randomly, our Google home speaker randomly going off when literally nothing could have been connected to it). Also, when you hear random static noises. Ugh.

  • When someone knocks on the door, and you pretend to be not home (and they just keep knocking and trying to get it). I feel like I've had way too many experiences like this. Also, charity muggers - one recent experience I had made me feel so uncomfortable, ugh.

  • Something happening to someone close to me, just no thank you.

  • Being watched - and not by random cameras in the street, it's usually the houses where people have A LOT of cameras around - like I'm probably not going to be doing anything weird, but I don't like having a camera on me in someone's house that I know (this doesn't include vlogging).

  • Something happening to me in public.

  • American politics. You know it's bad when George Clooney is saying it's bad. I'm no Trump supporter, but it's really looking good for him right now and that's scary because look how many crimes he's committed (if he gets in, he's just gonna pardon himself). I don't know which one is scarier honestly.

  • Heights.

  • The Homer Tunnel to get to Milford Sound.

  • Earthquakes. Disaster movies. I'm from CHCH, I think this is fair.

  • Most amusement park rides (mainly because I keep hearing horror stories about them malfunctioning and people not surviving). I've only ever been on a couple in my lifetime and don't think I wanna do anymore. I can do hydroslides though but they do still scare me a little.

  • When children claim they see something like a ghost. It's spooky.

  • Bouldering, no thank you.

  • Caves - stems from my mum going caving and getting really sick and also James Cameron's Sanctum. I cannot go into caves anymore. And I feel like I'd miss out on some cool experiences by being scared to go in.

  • Confined spaces (I think).

  • And my biggest fear, zombies (although I think I'm getting better).

Thank you for reading! See you next time!

Ash xoxo

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