Hi friends! Happy Friday! How are you going today? I'm going okay, I think I've had a bit of a rough week both mentally and physically. Getting sick the other week feels like it's set me back a lot and just feeling a bit depresso espresso and things are getting to me more than they normally should. I don't know if it's the time of the year or just me in general but I'm trying to keep myself as busy as possible and also give myself things to look forward to.
So today, I woke up kinda dizzy (still not sleeping great, insomnia kicking back in after a very long time of not being insomniac), made myself some eggs but screwed up the first lot so had to redo, then started to feel a bit better so decided that I was going to get the cleaning done today because we've been so behind on that and our weekend is super packed, so if I did it in between times then, I probably wouldn't be able to go through with my plans. Anyway, did that, then tried a small workout but it wasn't amazing and nowhere near what my body used to be able to handle, had some lunch, did a walk, had a shower, and have been editing some videos. After all this, I just started to feel super nauseous and had to stop and lay down for a bit so that's really frustrating because I want to constantly be doing stuff and not have to stop in the middle of the day randomly to lie down. It's not fun and it's just very annoying and I don't have another adjective. But anyway, tomorrow I have a haircut (and they're redoing my blonde too so it'll take a long time and Luke's got his last cricket match for the year) so tomorrow is basically a write-off and I just know that after I walk home from my haircut, I'm gonna need an afternoon nap. Bleugh, my body just feels so rough today. Also, like it's Christmas next week, what the f*ck? Where is my life going?
Anyway, I kinda like the idea of making Friday blog posts, "Freaky Friday" like I did last week because the creepy/eerie side of the world really interests me. I've also been watching a lot of paranormal story times on YouTube and still reading lots about ghosts. I still don't know what I believe - I am someone who probably needs more scientific proof but it's interesting to learn about nonetheless. I have also been editing a video about my paranormal experiences today so maybe that's why that's on my mind haha. So let's head on over to Reddit again to the /Ghosts subreddit and see what we can find! For today, I'm just going to use the home page of what's trending at the moment.
Number 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/18hwt6l/this_is_where_my_father_and_i_experienced_the/
From user Streay
With the message: "This was (now demolished) the Doris Duke mansion at Duke Estates in Hillsborough New Jersey.
Before this was removed, me and my father had one of the scariest encounters in our life here.
Back in the late 00’s, me and my father went to the estate for a boy scout outting. After everything was over, my father, my friend, my friends father and I decided to walk around for a little bit.
We stumbled upon the closed down mansion, and decided to sneak past the gates to have a look around. After we last those gates, I started to get a really weird anxious feeling, but just brushed it off. My friend and his father ran somewhere, and my dad and I were at the side of the house.
We both instantly freeze up, and get this absolute dread and fear coursing through our bodies. I’m in absolute tears, but we can’t move.
My dad recounts that he heard a voice screaming “LEAVE NOW”, but he replied, “I’m a follower of Jesus Christ and God, you can’t hurt us”. The feeling then slowly subsided, and we can move. We got out of there quickly, and didn’t talk about it for about a decade.
When I brought this up a few years ago, he was surprised I even remembered. We talked it over and we both remember the same exact events and how it played out.
My friend and his father didn’t experience this though, just us two.
Has anyone else had an experience like this? I can still vividly remember that horrible feeling."
I think I can definitely relate to the feeling of this one but I don't think I've ever personally heard voices or anything like that. But a lot of the commenters on this post have definitely had something similar happen to them!
Number 2:
From user Training-Couple6659
"I recently moved into a new room, and things have been unexpectedly moving and strange knocking on my door. I live in the barracks, so at first, I thought it was my buddies. Eventually, I approached my buddies and told them to stop knocking on my door at midnight so I can sleep. They assured me they weren't knocking, but I didn't believe them.
A week ago, while I was asleep in the middle of the night, I heard my tough box lids being thrown on the floor. I woke up in a panic due to the loud noise. I turned on my lamp and saw two lids scattered on my floor. My first instinct was that they had slid off, but upon further thought, there was no way they could have slid across two other sides of the room. I started telling my friends that I think my room is haunted, but they just laughed like usual.
I began asking other people about my room, and one individual told me stories about the previous occupant complaining about furniture being moved around, knocking on walls, and items being thrown. This information started freaking me out even more.
Despite my fears, I continued to sleep in the room until the weekend. On Saturday, I left to stay over at my girlfriend's house. When I returned the next day, my room was a mess. My coffee cup was thrown on the ground, tide pods were scattered on the floor, and my tough box lids were once again thrown on the floor. I immediately called my friends, and we all went inside.
After 10 minutes, we heard knocking on the wall. At this point, I got mad and cursed and taunted whatever was causing the disturbance. A few minutes later, it threw my pre-workout on the ground and knocked five times on the wall. That's when me and my four other friends ran out of my room. I then decided to sleep in my buddies' room.
Fast forward to today. I haven't been to my room in the last three days because we were out in the field. When I entered my room, I found my tough box lids thrown on the floor again. Both of my chairs had been moved, with one facing my bed. My coffee cup was laid on my bed, my pictures of me and my friends were moved on top of my trash can, and a rock was placed in the center of the chair facing my bed. To add to the strangeness, the wall it knocks on is now cracked.
I'm at a loss for what to do in this situation."
I love a lot of the comments on this one with things like "Set up a camera and watch all the activity disappear or become famous for capturing REAL footage" hahahaah also wtf are tough box lids? I have no idea. Also, haven't heard about Tide Pods since that stupid challenge. GAH. Don't put laundry detergent in your mouth or eat it. Gah. What a weird time that was. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, paranormal stuff. Tbh, it could be left over energy or maybe people are messing with this guy. What do you think?
Number 3:
From user Own-Medicine-2753
Look to the left side to see a figure! Spooky. The caption reads: "So earlier in the year I had a car accident. A 4x4 did an illegal u turn and t boned my car. I was driving and my partner was in the passenger seat. Once everyone was out and by the side of the road away from the accident I quickly wanted to grab some photos of the accident I took four pictures and I was very shaky when taking the pics and one came out the most clear. In the pic I have attached nobody was there when I took the photo but standing by the driver side door (where I was) looks to me like a man who actually reminds me of my grandfather who passed away when I was 12 and then people who knew him think it’s him too. May I add my accident happened right near a cemetery but yeah lemme know what you guys think."
Have you heard of people who get into car crashes and they think that there was an angel there or that someone that wasn't there came and helped them? I wonder if that's what was happening here. Tbh, I have no idea and it could just be a figure from a reflection or a double exposure but it is pretty creepy and the fact that it looked like his Grandad. So strange.
Number 4:
From user vegemitebikkie
"My dad passed away unexpectedly on Friday 13th October this year. He was 74 and had been mums carer since her nervous breakdown 20 years ago. He took care of all the bills and money etc. so mums been thrown in the deep end and has been struggling with it all. So today she tells me she had a visitor at 3 o’clock. She says at first she thought it was an intruder because it was a solid person standing next to her bed. Then she realised it was dad, then he slowly faded from the knees up. She said she wasn’t panicked or scared at all. Just felt calm. I don’t know what to do with this information but I can’t stop crying."
I wasn't sure whether or not to use this one, because it does feel very personal and also can happen a lot when people are grieving. However, I think because of how relatable it is, it's important to put it here today. Whether or not it was grief or an actual ghost or both doesn't matter, the experience is still important.
Number 5: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/18e0kgg/the_brown_lady_of_raynham_hall_a_very_famous/
From user Crotch-Monster
Apparently, this is a really famous photo from the 1930s called "The Brown Lady of Raynam Hall" - I've hyperlinked the Wiki article about it. I kinda don't believe it - mainly because it was the 1930s and it would have only been film stuff BUT then again idk. Double exposure or ghost? My thoughts are double exposure but it does seem a little creepy to me. I think I'll have to learn a bit more about this place.
I don't know if I've ever linked an article like this before but here's a bonus creepy thing for today, "10 Oddities Found on Google Maps". I know number 3 was 100000% a joke because I remember reading about it a really long time ago and the people with the masks saying it was a joke but to someone who didn't know that, it would be quite freaky. Also number 5 has been explained as a ghost statue area and not just randoms statues in the middle of nowhere hahahahah. Google Maps and Google Earth are so weird. Random sidenote here, everytime Luke and I go somewhere where we need Google Maps, we always end up in like the wrong place (idk if we're cursed on what LOL). For example, once in South Australia, we put in a place we wanted to go for a walk and see some wildlife and turns out we had drove way passed where we needed to be because Google Maps took us to the WRONG place and it took us ages to figure out and then Wednesday night when we when Christmas Light Hunting around Melbourne, we put in an address and thought it was going to be a fizzer as we went some dodgy back way and had to walk to get to these houses, only to find that there were amazing displays and a road right there too. I don't know why Google Maps didn't take us to the proper road and made us walk - maybe Google decided we needed more steps for the day. LOL. Anyway, there's been a few other times this has happened to us that I can't quite remember but that was my sidenote about Google Maps being a bit dodgy sometimes.
Speaking of Freaky Friday things, I can't remember if I wrote about this in the blog when it originally happened but awhile back, maybe in like September/October of this year and a Thursday night, I went to bed quite early, and was watching videos on my laptop about something really random (some vlogger I think) and ALL of a sudden, the Google Home Speaker on Luke's side of the bed starts going off and talking about how to make a whisky sour (and I mean I love whisky) but this was straight up weird. I tried to figure out if my laptop was playing anything else, NOPE, neither was my phone. Also, went downstairs to make sure all tech was turned off there. All turned off. And it was only on for like 30 seconds then turned off. Text Luke to ask if he had been playing a whisky sour on his phone at the time but nope because he was at cricket so why would he? And I still have no idea how it happened. No one other than me or Luke have access to that either because it's connected to our wifi network. It was so weird.
And the other freaky thing that's been playing on my mind lately, is that when Luke and I went for a walk a while ago, we walked into one of the parks near our house and I saw someone who looked pretty rough (like he was homeless) but we live in a pretty nice neighbourhood and it's not common at all to see people like this (not being judgemental here, it just isn't common), and this guy was sitting cross-legged in this park at like 8am and I told Luke, but Luke didn't see anyone there. Anyway, I went for a walk a few days later and saw the same guy. However, Luke has never seen him. I don't know if this guy was a figment of my imagination, a homeless person in the park moving around (like a squatter), or perhaps something like a ghost. It was just weird that I saw him and Luke didn't. That also makes me think about things like oh if ghosts were really real, how would we know they were a ghost? Like you could see a random person walking down the street one day and it could have been a ghost but we have no way of knowing real or not. And yes, this is what keeps me up at night.
I've also uploaded another YT video to my channel today and yes, it's finally the what is Sociology one! So please check that out. I'll link it "here". I also wrote a blog post about it too, so you can read that one "here". I hope you like the videos! And also today's Freaky Friday post and my random rambles.
For today's question, I want to know, what do you have for breakfast? Let me know in the comments below. For me, it varies, often it will be cereal (almond milk) with some berries and a banana, maybe toast with vegemite/marmite, and sometimes even poached eggs (which we've been doing a lot of lately). I really love brunch/breakfast food!
That's all for today!
Ka kite, Much love,
Ash xx