Kia Ora blogger friends! Happy Saturday! How are ya'll going today? I'm okay today, didn't sleep as much as I have the past few days but still feeling a little run down. I really hope I'm on the mend because I really want to go outside. Although, Melbourne weather is awful today, lots and lots of rain. Bleugh. I guess when it's raining it makes it better when you have to stay inside.
In content news, I've uploaded a new YouTube video to the YouTube land about an old creepy neighbour that I used to have so check it out below (or even just put it on in the background, it would really help me out, k thanx). I think the story is pretty interesting (also a little scary too).
I have a few more ideas for some videos coming up but I'm really just waiting until we feel better. The cabin fever is getting to me this weekend - I think maybe it's the rain. Gah. Send us positive vibes to feel better soon. I know a lot of you are waiting for the sociology ones and I promise I'll get some up eventually, it just takes awhile to write and reference and all that.
For today's blog, I thought we'd yet again check out some Reddit stories from r/letsnotmeet and I know I've been using Reddit a lot lately but my brain is honestly mush and it's helping me write content + I think people seem to like it because more people are reading it lately. I really appreciate all the readers! Anyway, if you don't know what letsnotmeet is, it's a subreddit for people to share about encounters with other people that were a bit off/creepy and I think it kinda relates to my video above so we're staying on theme (or on brand as all the influencers say). Today I'm sorting by "Top" and "This Year" so we can see what some of the creepiest 2023 encounters have been for Redditers. Most of these are labelled NSFW so if you're a young one, you probably shouldn't read these. Let's get into the stories!
I think what I'll do is have a link to the stories because some are quite long and then you guys can read directly from Reddit instead of making a super long blog post.
That One Time I Accidentally Dated A Sociopath - from user AbbiAmok. Is it sad that I can relate to this woman because I've been in a similar situation? Some people can be so awful and scary
I almost got abducted and a strange noise saved my life - from user Kayla_Kloud. I kinda wonder if divine intervention or the universe was at play here - or maybe there was a dog looking out for her and her mum. What do you think?
I was stalked in my student accommodation - from user Pleasehelp793. This is too freaky and I hope security did something about the guy
You could be a model.. - from user justjustme3333. Somehow this one reminds me of what would happen before kidnapping for human trafficking? Like what on earth were they going to do with these two girls? Just awful
My stalker still hasn't given up. It's been over a month since this nightmare started - from user koauduj0192. I'm not sure if this was a throwaway account or what but this was quite similar to my own creepy neighbour story in my YT video above and I feel like more could have been done (in both cases). But unfortunately, police can't really do anything without any evidence of trespassing.
I think we'll leave it at those 5 stories today because I haven't put my glasses on in days and my eyes are starting to go fuzzy. I don't really wanna put them on either because my eyes have been so itchy.
Anyway, for today's question, have you ever had a bizarre or weird encounter with a stranger and if so, what was it? Let me know in the comments below. I've definitely had plenty but one recent one was at my old apartment complex in Melbourne, there was a shared laundry area and you weren't supposed to use it after 9pm so people could sleep. A new guy moves in and clearly doesn't read any of the rules on the door and then bangs on my door at like 9:50pm one night and I only opened the door because Luke was still over and he could probably hear that people were watching TV inside. Anyway, he had no idea how the washing machine or dryer worked, so I had to turn it on for him and I just found it really weird. I don't think he worked night shift either because he was out mostly during 9-5 business hours. He also always seemed to have his apartment door open which was weird because no one else does that (becase then all the people can see into your apartment when they walk in). I also remember hearing him call his landlord and saying that he didn't realise he had to organise his own power (which I can kinda understand if you've never moved out of home, but you also get told when you get the property). The whole situation was very weird.
I think I'm just kinda prone to weird and creepy things happening to me tbh. Anyway, that's the end of today's blog. Thank you for reading and I'll see you tomorrow!
Ka kite, Much love,
Ash xx