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An April Life Update: Adventures & Reflections (2024)

Updated: Sep 24, 2024

Hi friends! Wow, 4 months through the year already? That's cwaaaaazy cupcakes!

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I'm liking doing the little life updates thing every month so I'll try and keep at it. I know that "consistency is key" but some days are harder than others. And lately, for me, things have been kinda harder than normal. The world isn't built for creatives. It's built for capitalist machines and rich white men (ugh, hegemonic masculinity). And yes, it's true, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer (thanks for that Karl Marx). And I don't necessarily think that it's always to do with money specifically, it could be with other things too like friends for example or like someone who has lots of love to give out (I hope that makes sense - it does in my head and surely that's the only thing that matters on my blog lol jk jk). I'm going off on this massive sociological tangent when this should be another life update but I think what I wanted to say here was that as I write this update I'm not feeling amazing with myself or where my career is going and that really sucks because I want to continue to pour my soul into my content and I just don't know if people care enough to help and yes, that may just be intrusive thoughts coming in but sometimes they can linger a lot longer than you'd like them to. And when you do start to get more and more people telling you what to do, you tend to regress back into your shell a little bit. Like why am I doing this? And no, I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I appreciate everyone who reads the blog and supports me but lately, I feel like I'm just in the way of everyone.

Anyway, let's get down to the bullet point list of my April 2024 Life Update! What's been going on for Ashy, Benji and Luke (and soz Luke for your name being last in the list, it's just because it's in alphabetical order)?

  • One of my YouTube videos got over 3000 views which was insane because I thought it was kinda boring. But you can check that one out "here" if you're interested. I actually don't know how I did that because other videos don't get as much viewership.

  • Two friends from New Zealand came and stayed with us for a week as they had some concerts to head to in Melbourne and we went to the aquarium and highpoint with them.

  • Luke and I went to two comedy shows: Melanie Bracewell and Guy Montgomery (yay for kiwi REPPPPS).

  • Apparently, our gas at our new place never got turned on so we nearly had our gas cut off (but luckily we sorted it) HAHAHAHAHAH why do these things happen to us?

  • More people came to meet Benji!

  • Benji is getting so much better with his toilet training and we even left him alone inside for 2 hours and he didn't have any accidents or chew anything he shouldn't have.

  • We finally caught up with the two NZ friends who moved to Melb this year AND another one who was visiting from CHCH woo.

  • We got Benji some more puzzles and a ball pit. He's ruines a lot of the balls already but at least he's having fun.

  • I had my second appointment with my psychologist which went well.

  • We started a corgi cult (LOL JK) but we did go to one of the dog parks near our house and two other corgis showed up within 30 minutes of us being there (and no other dogs). It was a fun time. I love corgis. Also, don't you think the corgi folklore is SOOOO cute with how the myth is that they carry fairies on their backs. We're gonna have to get some fairy wings and do some sort of fairy photoshoot with Benji.

  • We had to take Benji for a vet check-up as he had a bit of gastro (from some freeze-dried salmon) but he's okie. Benji also ate a bloody bone on the street (GRRRRR I hate people sometimes) but he thankfully passed it straight away so we're okay there. We also have pet insurance now too.

  • My parsley is now thriving and my basil isn't thriving. I've still got no idea what I'm doing with gardening but we keep trying. Idk how it just randomly switched haha. I might have to do some research.

  • I've had a few weird dreams lately: a dream that I won the lotto (can that happen pls haha), a dream that the show Pretty Little Liars was back and I was in it - that was scary, a dream that I went to get nasal spray with my psychologist, a dream that I opened a restaurant and wouldn't pay my staff or give them an advance, and the last dream was where I was tutoring again and forgot to take attendance for my students lol.

  • I was so happy with the winner of I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here won!

  • Iron supplements are down to once a week now but I kinda feel like it's not really helping the fatigue or tiredness so I'm unsure on whether I should up them again or keep doing what I'm doing. I eat healthily, I just feel tired. PLUS it is so nice not having as much awful IBS symptoms.

  • I've been lacking a lot of motivation to go out and do photography or post on my socials and I'm not too sure why that is.

  • I'm still writing my daily gratitude list!

  • I am craving jelly tips (the NZ ice cream)

  • I found out why I wasn't invited to a certain event and I felt really sad.

  • I've got some ideas for a book now, so the brainstorming has begun.

  • Every year I write a "Luke's quote list" note on my phone of funny or dumb sh*t he says for keepsakes and it's already begun. I think he'll get annoyed at me for writing this one but the most recent quote Luke said was "Henry Cavill is like a more attractive version of me" HAHAHAHA ily.

  • Benji has ruined so many of my favourite pants and he likes to try and bite them and take them off which is terrible LOL but at the same time, quite funny because he does it when the blinds are open and people can see in hahahaa.

  • I still haven't made banana bread (IYKYK).

  • Benji has started to lose his teefies (teeth). Finding lots of blood but we think he's swallowing them as dogs do. I'm hoping we can get a big one and save one.

  • The end of daylight savings was annoying!

  • My mum found out her surgery is coming forward thanks to a cancellation so we might have to keep an eye out on flights depending what happens. We shall see.

  • We (Luke and I) went out for dinner at Becco - a cute little Italian restaurant in the city.

  • We also went to Gyoza Gyoza for dinner and Luke ate some crab (he hates seafood).

  • We had a games night with mates and played the game telestrations, that was funny.

  • A baby huntsman spider landed on Benji's head (he didn't seem to mind) but we got rid of it because that would be terrifying to see a fully grown one.

Anyway, that's my April 2024 Life Update: Adventures and Reflections for you! I hope ya'll enjoying reading these things and I'll see you all very soon!

Some Benji tax (+ friends Baymax & Dwight) - Baymax is the one on the log!

Much love,

Ash xx

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