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25 things you MAY not know about me (Unfiltered)

Updated: Sep 24, 2024

Hi friends! Happy Wednesday!!

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It's been a while since I've sat down to write a blog post and honestly, I don't want to make excuses but Benji has been a little sick over the weekend and we have a few guests staying with us. In good news, Benji had a check up with the vet and he's okie - just no more salmon for him. I promise to keep making my blog a priority. I also just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who read my last post "Things I find weird about living in Melbourne (as a kiwi)" because I did not expect so many views (I think it's sitting at over 200 views atm so thank you, please keep reading the blog and supporting me so I can continue to write for you - make sure you accept cookies and all that jazz). And another huge shout out to everyone watching my vlogs on my YouTube channel - getting to 3k views on my last vlog feels like such an achievement. You can watch that "here". I'm currently working on heaps more content creation and I'm really enjoying it so I hope you are too!

Anyway, in today's blog, I thought I'd try my hand at 25 things you MAY not know about me (another one of those unfiltered editions). It still surprises me how the lifestyle or personal things seem to do better than the unsolved mysteries or creepy things online - I guess my life is kinda interesting and people are nosey - so why not capitalise on that? PLUS, I really love writing. Have I said I wanted to write a book? Yeah, still haven't started that but we'll get there for sure. But back to the blog post!

Here are 25 things you MAY not know about me

  1. I have visited a commune (Gloriavale) - I've written about this so I kinda think MOST people know by now, but I just think it's such a cool fact to have.

  2. I'm afraid of ants - once I woke up to ants in my bed when I was a kid and it was honestly the worst thing in the world. Luckily I'm a bit better now but they used to freak me the f*ck out.

  3. My dream job would be something like working at the zoo or conservation (Like working with Robert Irwin - how cool). Can I be a host on I'm a celebrity, get me outta here? HAHAHAHA

  4. I've seen Jimmy Carr live.

  5. I used to learn the guitar when I was a kid/teenager, but I ended up giving it up. My teacher was one of mum's exes who was super great at teaching me, and then one of my cousins taught me but he said I couldn't learn stairway to heaven because it would be too hard for me so that really put me off and I gave up. Sidenote, my first ever acoustic guitar snapped in half and to this day, I have no idea if it was from the earthquake or if someone broke it on purpose.

  6. Sometime in primary school I entered a competition with one of the shows on CTV (RIP that building, iykyk) where you had to draw an animal to win a family pass to Willowbank and I drew a draft kiwi to practice and then a proper drawing, but my draft was much better than the good one. Anyway, nana sent it in and I won the family pass and my drawing of a kiwi was shown on TV. Mum used to have a VHS of me being announced as the winner but idk if it did got damaged in the quakes back home - I'll have to ask her haha.

  7. I used to have a terrible problem eating food at night (because I just didn't get enough nutrition during the day). It is much better now - not to the extent of an ED, but probably just a combination of still being quite awake and not eating the right foods during the day so body craving sugar etc.

  8. I watched that NZ movie "Aftershock" in year 8 back in NZ - it was a movie about what would happen if there was a big quake in Wellington and I thought to myself "There's gonna be an earthquake in CHCH while I'm at high school" and sure enough, there were plenty. And this feels like a lie, but I sh*t you not, it's what ran through my head. Although something like that isn't hard to predict.

  9. I prefer watching YouTube videos to streaming services (like we have so many and I do use them to watch stuff but most of the time, I turn to YouTube).

  10. I made my very first YouTube video in high school, posted it, and had a few likes and lovely comments BUT one person told me I didn't have the personality to do it so I just removed it. Look at me now!

  11. Once, I went out for a cocktail night in CHCH, got into a verbal fight with someone (they started it), and was left in Hagley Park drunk with my phone on 1% and my house keys in the other person's house. I'll go into more detail about this some other time, but it was terrifying.

  12. I have a slipped disc in my lower back - I love making people touch it. It's perfectly fine as long as I make sure I get plenty of exercise.

  13. Sometimes I like to eat cheese right before bed so I can have weird dreams.

  14. I keep a dream journal.

  15. Concerts I have been to include: Ed Sheeran, Queen, The Killers, Slowly Slowly, Bad Dreems and Blink182.

  16. Some career paths that I wanted to take have been: a police office --> detective, a SFX makeup artist, a forensic scientist, OR a university lecturer. A few career paths I didn't take because I wasn't good at chemistry or biology and I probably wouldn't have passed the NZ police training test but yeah I'm so glad I did sociology and psychology at uni because that was the right path for me.

  17. I took the 16 personalities test back in univeristy and got the Mediator - INFP and I just took it again now and got the Advocate - INFJ. I relate to both but I can see how a few years would change it too. Which one are you?

  18. I think I would be able to survive in the wild if I had to.

  19. I used to be obsessed with marvel comics and when one of my friends got me a spiderman comic from Europe, I was so happy!

  20. I didn't think I'd ever want to start gardening things until I moved to Melbourne.

  21. I think I'm good at telling "story times" - I mean just ask my old soci students!

  22. I am pretty good at identifying birds and have started learning their calls now too.

  23. People call me a "closet bogan" for reasons I will leave to your imagination (it's usually because I like car racing and cars).

  24. I love hidden cocktail bars and niche places (Melbourne is great for that).

  25. Animals I have seen in the wild in NZ include: whales, dolphins, penguins, all the bird life, a feral cat, stick bugs, and geckos. Animals I have seen in the wild in Australia include: ALL the birds (most rare: king parrots and a female bowerbird), koalas, kangaroos, foxes, blue tongued lizard, and snakes.

So there you have it, another 25 useless things you now know about me! Much love,

Ash xx

Some birdy photos!

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